WOD: Every 90 second for 10 rounds…
- 1 Deadlift
- 2 Hang Power Cleans
- 3 Power Cleans
Result: 135# for all rounds
The goal was to do this as a complex and not let go of the bar, but since I have issues with the front rack and per suggestion from coach Miranda, I only held my grip in the front rack for the 1st hang power clean. The rest I let roll onto my fingertips to get a better rack position and then dropped the bar for the next rep. The weight was a good choice, as I was finishing with just quite not enough rest before the next rounds and the so it keep the intensity up.
Also, we had a guest visit from Mr. Khalipa, Jason that is. And as I remembered he liked to do back in the day…
Post-WOD ass-kicker: 5 min AMRAP
- 6 wallballs
- 3 burpees
Result: 5 rounds