Well, the Fuel Challenge is officially finished now! How do I feel about it? Pretty good actually. Did I lose any weight? Yep! Did my performance improve? A little. Did I learn anything? Nothing new… more getting back to doing what I learned in the past.
So lets start off with some photos of the few things I did get around to cooking this past week:
- Chorizo Breakfast Frittata
- Italian Sausage w/ roasted fennel and carrots
- Polish Sausage w/ raw kraut and sweet potato fries
Not much to show off, as this week was a lot of more of going thru the food from my freezer. Did I mention how handy a vacuum sealer is ;-)
The challenge officially ended on the 5th according to the original information, however, the benchmark follow-up wasn’t until Sunday the 9th. Did I stick to it until Sunday? Yes… for the most part.
I did loosen up a bit and add a few things back in prior to Sunday… wine and cheese, although not together. I went out with my co-workers for a team happy hour on Tues to welcome a new member. We went to an Indian place and tried to be good with my choices, skipping the naan and rice, but did have wine. Cheese came back in Sat morning with a scramble at Hobee’s before heading off to the Renegades’ Open House and another glass of wine with dinner afterwards. Glad to say I did not notice any ill effects from the dairy in the morning.
Sunday after the challenge follow-up was a different story… and it all started with the potluck at the gym. I brought paleo buffalo wings, but other brought stuff like beer and cheesecake which I did partake in. Dinner was Italian including cheesy garlic bread, pasta, red wine (of course), and spumoni ice cream. Even though I didn’t finish the pasta, I definitely had that overly full feeling v.s. the satisfied full feel while eating clean. Also this morning, I was feeling much more sluggish (but that might have been the wine).
To see the result of the 30 challenge, check out my Progress Page here.
So now what? My plan is to continue eating clean, as that was the whole point of doing the challenge for me… a kickstart to get back into good habits. However, I do plan on loosing up a bit and start playing around with stuff. Since the dairy seemed to be ok with me, I will probably add that back in to some extent. Wine is definitely back on the list (I’ve got a little stockpile going on). Maybe a cheat meal now and then, but for the most part I am going to continue the paleo/primal eating.
So speaking of continuing… I need to figure out some meals to make this week!