
All posts by bronick

Ok, so I haven’t been so good with this stuff as of recently. Its been quite a while since I’ve been into the gym consistently for various legit and not so legit reason, I made it in ONCE over the prior two weeks. But worse than that, I’ve also been eating like crap, and by crap I mean lots of pizza… go figue, isn’t that always my downfall.

Anyway, as of Sunday I started trying to eat cleaner again (i.e. Paleo/Primal) and did good yesterday (Monday) as well. This included hitting up Costco to stock up on a few things so I don’t continue to order pizza. I really really need find some motivation to strict with eating clean.

It was also the first day back to gym… so needless to say, my legs are a little (aka ALOT) sore today.

I went kind of light on the back squats since my back started bothering me during the warm up (ugh). For the metcon, the jumping pull-ups where surprisingly hard… the legs just didn’t want to function. But it felt good to be back.


Back Squats: 10 reps, add weight, 8 reps, add weight, 6 reps, add weight, 4 reps, add weight, max reps.

For Time:

  • Row 750 meters
  • 50 Jumping pull ups
  • 50 Wall Ball Shots


Back Squats – 10@135,  8@155, 6@165,  4@185, 8@205

Metcon –  10:33

2011-08-17 WOD: Barbara

20110818-022659.jpgI knew this was gonna suck, but I sucked it up and showed up anyway. It was pretty sad… The squats were really the only thing I didn’t have any issues doing and burned thru quickly. The push-ups and sit-ups really sucked for me.  Not that its much of a comparison, but my first round was 7 minutes, while Jason’s was 2:53 with a total time of 27:30. A bit of room for improvement on my end… but I did finish it!

WOD: Benchmark Wednesdays

Barbara – 5 rounds for time:

  • 20 Pull-ups
  • 30 Push-ups
  • 40 Sit-ups
  • 50 Squats

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.


49:28 (scaled push-up on knees rounds 2-5)

  1. Round – 7:00
  2. Round – 7:22
  3. Round – 8:14
  4. Round – 7:57
  5. Round – 6:55


Back to the gym. I realized that another thing I need to work on again is my Oly stuff. Clean & Jerk = Good to go, Squat Clean & Jerk = Not so good. For this part of the work out, on minute 4 I probably did 6 squat cleans but couldn’t recover my grip to do the jerk as I would end with only 1 or two fingertips on the bar. As for the met-con, I started out pretty good with the Toes to Bar, but quickly tired out and by the time hit the burpees I was just done…


Squat Clean and Jerk ladder: The first minute perform 1 squat clean and jerk @ 135#’s, the second minute perform two squat clean and jerks @ 135#’s. Continue this process for as long as possible.

Then For Time:

  • 30 Toes to Bar
  • 40 Power Clean’s @ 135#’s
  • 50 Burpees


Squat Clean and Jerk ladder – Completed minute 3

Metcon- 16:10

And this was very bad for me. Got to be one of my worsted FGB scores… but at least I made it into the gym. Note to make excuse… but because my legs where dead from Monday’s back squats and my arm was still slightly tweaked from last week the box  jump, wall balls, and push press all kinda sucked ass.

WOD: Fight Gone Bad

  • Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
  • Sumo deadlift high-pull 75# (Reps)
  • Box jump 18″ (Reps)
  • Push-press 75# (Reps)
  • Row (Calories)
1 min at each station for 3 rounds, rest 1 min between rounds.


3 rounds – 63, 39, 59 = 161

So its been almost a week since I’ve been back to the gym because of my hurting my arm last week… and no surprise, I pretty much sucked ass, but got a good workout. We started with back squats which went well. Due to the size of the class instead of doing stuff on the minute, we just cycled thru folks sharing a rack (for us it was 3) and then rested 30sec. For the met-con, I opted to go a little lighter just because I know deadlifts agitate my back and I didn’t want to skip another week by tweaking it. Still took me over 5min…


Back squat ladder on the minute @ 135#

Then for time, 4 rounds:

  • 10 DL at 225#’s
  • 10 burpees


11 @ 135# (3 folks, rest 30sec between sets)
6:27 @ 205#

Wake Up Call (2011-08-08): I was pretty happy that when I got back from my sabbatical that I hadn’t gained a lot of weight despite all my eating, but then again I was walking everywhere. Well, since I’ve been back I haven’t been very good with my eating and I’m back to sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day. Plus I haven’t been very good with getting back into hitting the gym on a regular basis. I was planning on starting back on Paleo the beginning of this month, but didn’t quite get going last week and finally decided to do it this week. So after rolling out of bed this morning,  I stepped on a scale…

Weight: 201.8 lbs

I figured it would be bad, but wasn’t quite expecting to have tipped 200 again… but I did. Then again, looking back, that’s what I get for having pizza and ice cream while watching TV way to often over the past month. You’d think I would have figured it out by now, not to do this type of stuff… but I do.

Back At It…Again: Time to get back to getting in shape… again. Item #1 on the list is to fix my eating. I hit the store last night to pick up a few things to toss in a crockpot so I’ll have food ready when I get home. As I’ve said in the past, one of my big problems when I have no food ready to go I end up making very very bad food choices.

Every time I’ve done Paleo I’ve had good results. The problem is that I don’t stick with it for anytime extended time frame. Being summer, I’ll have lots of obstacles in the way to throw me off track, but I need make sure I minimize the damage and get back on track. I’ve done the “I’ll start back tomorrow”, and then the next “tomorrow” and the next, and etc way to many times. No more months or weeks off!!

Item #2 is to get back to the gym. I’ve been “doing” CrossFit for about 3 years now. I love it. I’ve made progress. But no-where near what I’ve seen other folks make in a fraction of that time. I say “doing” because I haven’t be been very consistent and I haven’t been very motivated/focused recently.

Lack of motivation is big issue for me recently, I just can not for the life of me seem to get or stay motivated any more. When I was doing SGX (photo), I managed to stay pretty well motivated and stuck to it for an entire year. No such luck with Crossfit & Paleo. At most I’ve managed to keep it up almost 2 months. I gotta figure out how to get past this…

Part of this is that I need to set some goals. I took a goal setting seminar at the gym a while back, but haven’t used any of it.  As of recent, I’ve just kinda been going through the motions of going to the gym without any end goal other than to goto the gym. While “going to the gym” sounds good, its not clear goal and without someway to measure any real progress, it easily dies off. To help give me some goals to work towards, I’m restarting my Suck List from my old blog. I need to take the time come up with both short and long term goal.

Now lets see if I can actually stick to any of this. Now lets get start and do this!


2011-07-06 WOD: Grace



Ben in Beijing on the Great Wall


WOD: Grace (30 Clean & Jerks for time @ 135#)

RESULTS: 4:50 Rx (PR)

So Grace appears to be my welcome back to the gym gift… this was my 2nd day back in over a month since I was traveling and the last time I did Grace was after 2 weeks off. I realized that Grace was actually the last post I made on here, but it wasn’t the last workout.  I decided previously to stop posting every random workout and was only going to post benchmark WODs my blog and just checked-in on Facebook at the gym. While I was gone, Jason started doing “Benchmark Wednesdays” so I will like be posting more stuff on here again.

As for how it feels to be back… I am SO sore today and was SO sore yesterday too. But it feels good to be back. I was surprised and very happy that in spite of  Tue’s WOD killing me I still managed PR Grace yesterday. This was my 2nd time doing it at Rx weight and I still have a ways to go, but its progress.

On another note… Jason put my handstand on the Great Wall up on the blog (here).

After about 2 weeks off…


30 Clean and Jerk’s for Time @ 135/95


5:07 (Rx)

It felt good to get back to the gym after 2 weeks and not having done really anything. I’m pretty happy with this one. I was originally thinking of doing 115# since I hadn’t done anything in a few weeks, but after trying a few reps Jason gave me the “it looks little light” so I bumped it up to the Rx 135# and I’m glad I did. I think this is the first time I did it Rx.

I also got a little work in on my HS and HSPU before hand.

Split or Push Jerk

Sarah’s Birthday Workout – 7 rounds for time of:

  • 7 Clean and Jerks @ 135#’s
  • 20 Jumps over the bar


225#  (PR)
10:57 @ 115#

It was about time I got back to the gym for a regular class. I’ve been feeling kinda blah recently and was not very modivated when I was at the gym, so I took some time off… basically all of last week and the beginning of this week. I was at the gym on Sat for the last Open WOD (11.6) and the Sat before that for the 11.5 WOD. The last regular class I’d been to was not last Wed, but the Wed before.

But I think the time off did me good and I’m ready to get back to it. And started off with PRing my split jerk at 225#!! Previous PR was 205# back during an oly class. I tried 235#, but failed.  It was good to do some oly lifting again. I realized during the Open WODs that I really haven’t focused much on that and when I had to do the clean & jerks, my form was really lacking.

As for the metcon… I dropped the weight down and it worked pretty well. The weight wasn’t too heavy and didn’t get to me, it was just the general metcon intensity that got me having not really done much the past few weeks.  All and all, it was good first day back to the gym.