Push Press

All posts tagged Push Press


10 Deadlift’s at 135#

10 Hang Squat Cleans 135#

10 Push Presses 135#

Complete this then relax for 1 minute, repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

The goal here is to do everything everytime unbroken or to keep your times similar to each other.

18:20, 95#

Did not get unbroken, but I was able to finally get several of the hang squat cleans chained together (5 once). The front squat position is rough for me by itself, let alone trying to get back to the hang or press position. 95# was a good weight… Easy on the deads, challenging on the cleans, and pefect for the press. Kept a good pace once I got into it.
Post-workout workout:
500m row = 1:48


(iPhone iRonick)

Tabata sit ups

Max Rounds in 3 minutes (changed from 5) of:

10 Box Jumps 30″

10 Push Presses with the 45# bar

Rest 45 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds

Goal: Stay consistent on the box jumps, keep a good pace. There is absolutely positively no reason to drop the bar on this one!

Row 500 meters for time

Situps: 8-8-8-5-5-5-5-5

3min rounds: 2+2, 2, 2
500m: 1:44
Let me just say… A 30″ box is pretty high… But I did it! And after a week off, 2 holiday parties, and day of wineries… I’m wipes, those box jumps and the rowing did me in.
Finished my post-workout coconut water and now it’s time to go check on my light show ;-)

(iPhone iRonick)

Tabata Push Ups


3 Rounds for Time: #135 7 Front Squats 5 Thrusters 3 Push Presses

Rest 2 minutes and repeat


Tabata: 5… Started at 11, dropped to 6, then finally 5.
Metcon: 95# – first set was 5:41 and I need to check the 2nd set time tomorrow since I forgot to send this from the gym…
This workout defienitly got to my wrists which slowed me down a lot. I really need to work on that front squat and thrusters position.  


(iPhone iRonick)
.COM Rest

4 Rounds of:  

As many Wall Ball’s as possible in 1 Minute

Rest 30 Seconds

Followed by-

3 Rounds of:

As many Push Presses 45# as possible in 1 minute

Rest 20 Seconds 

Followed by-

2 Rounds of 

As many KB swings 2 pood as possible in 1 minute

Rest 10 Seconds

Followed by-

1 Round of 

As many burpees as you can do in 1 minute

Additional Strength Component:

As many strict pull ups as possible without dropping off the bar.


31-25-21-21 wallballs
23-23-24 push press
10-10 kettlebell
10 burpees
4 strict pullups
…all this after a day of paintball. 


(iPhone iRonick)
8 week strength program WOD:

Complete each of the three following activities as a separate workout, complete at the highest intensity possible and experience the “Good Shit” Good Shit comes from Intensity.

1) Push Press   5-5-5-5-5

Rest 5 Minutes

2) Deadlift 20 Reps @ about 70% of 1RM, this will become your starting weight for a series of DL’s

Rest 7 Minutes

3)       3 Rounds for time

          5 Push Press @ 185#

          10 Burpees

          15 walking lunges, each leg= 1


1) 135-145-155(4)-155-155(2)
2) 205#
3) 6:22 @ 135#
My wrist is dead! The 205# for deadlift was too easy and will need to go heavier next time. At the same time 135# might have been a but heavy for the met-con as I felt like I wasn’t keeping intensity. 


(iPhone iRonick)