
All posts tagged Thrusters

Bent over Rows

Then Thruster ladder:

  • Complete 1 Thruster @ 115#’s the first minute
  • Complete 2 Thrusters @ 115#’s the second minute
  • Continue this process until you can no longer make it in the 1 minute time frame…


6+4 @ 95#

Once again my front squat technique did me in… I was hoping to make it through round 7, but didn’t quite make it. I have to say, this really wasn’t that great of a workout for me because I only made it a few minutes. They actually followed up with 100m row sprints, but I had already chugged half my protein shake and needed to head out for the SJ Bike Part ( event.

Thruster technique for about 15 minutes.

Short Met Con (we’ve been going long lately):

  • Thruster @ 95#’s
  • Box Jump @ 30″

95# tech

11:38 @ 85#

This was a good day for me technique wise, as I really really suck at thrusters because of my issues with the front squat rack position. I’m getting better with letting it sit on my shoulders, but still not good. For a front squat I’m fine, but not for a thruster. My end fingers tend to slip off the bar which isn’t bad if its my pinky, but when its the the end two fingers then I’m a little unstable at the top.

I started out doing a nice little pink flip, where it would come off the bar for the squat part and then I’d readjust the grip during the overhead. But couldn’t keep that up… and by the end of it I was using a really really narrow grip which but my hands between the bar and my shoulders. It was the only way I could keep all my fingers on the bar to do multiple thrusters at a time. Since the it was a lower weight it was “ok”, but definitely not something I should be doing.

Partner WOD:

Max points in 10 min:

  • Wallball tire shots (1 per person, 2 points)
  • 5 overhead squats
  • 5 dumbbell thrusters
  • 5 slamballs
  • Completing 1 circuit = 1 point

The catch…. you have to carry the wallball with you and it can’t touch the ground, hence only 1 partner can be working at a time.

Halftime: 2 attempts at a “free throw” wallball shots per person (1 point)

Repeat the 10min. This time both partners can work at the same time, but you must leave a station together.


11,2,5 = 18 points total

Not so great considering sever others got 30+. We kinda got screwed the 2nd round and keep hitting bottle neck… like no bars for overhead, no dumbbells available, etc… But it was still a great workout, a lot of fun, and it was nice to be outside.

Between the mountain biking yesterday and this,  my legs where done.


Front Squat


What does this mean? This means: Warm up to your 3 rep max and hit it 2 times, add weight then hit your 2’s hard, finally add even more weight and finish with extremely challenging 1 rep max’s.


Box Jump 24″

Thruster @ 135#/95#

This workout should be done in less than 14 minutes. Obviously at this load it would take some of you a lot longer than that. Please adjust the weight accordingly. However, I would rather have you start heavier and need to drop down than start to light and finish in 3 minutes.


Not to bad for not doing front squats in a while the last time I logged them for weight was back in Nov and i think it was 215# x 3.
14:23 @ 95#
The thrusters, as expected, did me in. I did actually lay o. The floor for about 30s or so just before the 4 rep round as my back was not happy. But overall I think 95# was a good weight.


(iPhone iRonick)




With these, you can control the weight down rest only a few seconds, reset and hit it again.


Death by Thruster:

1 Thruster at 95# the first minute

2 Thrusters at 95# the second minute 

3 Thrusters at 95# the third minute and so on until you can no longer finish the number in 1 minute


8 rounds + 8


(iPhone iRonick)

Tabata Push Ups


3 Rounds for Time: #135 7 Front Squats 5 Thrusters 3 Push Presses

Rest 2 minutes and repeat


Tabata: 5… Started at 11, dropped to 6, then finally 5.
Metcon: 95# – first set was 5:41 and I need to check the 2nd set time tomorrow since I forgot to send this from the gym…
This workout defienitly got to my wrists which slowed me down a lot. I really need to work on that front squat and thrusters position.  


(iPhone iRonick)

20 min for rounds:
5 thrusters
7 hang power clean
10 sumo deadlift high pull

5 + thrusters + cleans

Thrusters did me in again… poor front squat caused some issues with
my back. I also had a tough time keeping the SDHP balanced. But I'm
happy that I used the Rx weight.

Looking back I think I could have done alot better had I not tried to
tough out my back pain. I laid down on the floor at about the 18min
mark, got back up for the last minute and was able to get the last 5
thrusters and 7 cleans in under a min. Maybe I should have taken a
break earlier on. But I also think part it was mental… Need to work
on my intensity and push thru, like I did for the last min.

(iPhone iRonick)