Bear Complex

All posts tagged Bear Complex


Bench Press: do a ton of reps (20-50) at body weight or what you can handle. Then…

  • 3 cycles of: Bear Complex @ 135# (power clean to front squat to push jerk to back squat to back jerk back down to the floor)
  • Immediately after Row 250 meters or 50 double unders if the rowers are all used up.

Repeat this for a total of 5 rounds. The bar does not drop at all during the bear complex.

155×7, 135×11, 135×9
16:33 @ 95#

Went too heavy on the benchpress and as for the metcon…. This was not a good workout for me. That front rack position again.  During the 2nd round, I started the complex 8 times. I would fail on the front squat or the jerk. After that I gave up on trying to get the bar to rest on my chest and just held it in front of me. As much as that sucks and is bad form… I could complete the work. Needless to say, my wrists where pretty dead after this one.

.COM Rest = Bear Complex

Deadlift, clean, front squat, press, back squat, press… Repeat for 7
reps without bar dropping the bar. 5 rounds for max weight.

75#, 95#… technique

Didn't do so well with my wrist issues. Did 75# probably 20 times or
so, but only got one round of 7 without dropping by muscle-ing through
it. Made it through 7 reps at 95# the same. Tried 115# and could only
get 1-2 reps at a time.

Decided to just work on technique of going from front squat to press.
I have issues with either my wrist giving out when I hold the bar in
front of me ( meaning bad front squat position) or the bar being to
far back on my finger tips in the front squat that I can't get it back
to a grip.

Need to work on that transition. This is also why I suck at thrusters.

(iPhone iRonick)