Bear Crawl

All posts tagged Bear Crawl

I know it takes time to get back into the swing of things, but this one I really sucked at which is why I’m recording it…


5 rounds for time:

  • 20 hip extensions
  • 20 box jumps (24″)
  • 30m bear crawl
Then, partner heavy prowler push for 200m.


12 min cap: 3 rounds + 15 hip ext + 3 box jumps
(sub 20″ box, 20 hip ext 1st round then 15)

5×45# for the prowler


As I expected (which probably partly played into it), my back did not do so well with the hip extensions. Hence I dropped from 20 to 15 after the first round. In addition, my quads are apparently still dead from the squats on Tue which really slowed up the other two movements for me and the prowler.

On the up side, it was nice to be doing stuff outside in the sunlight since I went to the noon class. Its already dark by the time I hit the 5:30 still. Oh and we apparently now have 65# plates at the gym which look exactly like the 45# plates!