Clean and Jerk

All posts tagged Clean and Jerk

Weighted Ring Dips (Use dumbbells or vest)

Max Rounds in 10 minutes of:

  • Run 200 meters
  • 10 Push Press @ 135#’s
  • 10 Deadlift’s @ 135#’s

Immediately after, 3 (up & back) prowler pushes.


5 @ 25# db pp, 135# dead

90# prowler, 235# sled, 190# sled

So I hurt my wrist doing the cleans on Monday, but decided to still give the gym a go. Didn’t do much on the ring dips because of this, and also used 25# dumbbells for the push press. The ass-kicker was crazy though… I did one prowler push and decided that bothered my wrist to much, so I grabbed the sled and ran. It was HELLA hard and then I realized why… they weren’t just 45# plates on there… no, as you can see above, one of them (in the middle) was a 100# plate!! So my frist go was 235# before somebody else took a 45 since they wanted to try, making my second one only 190# (aka about my body weight). Crazy.


Full (squat) Clean and Jerk – go for max load….  135# tech

So I debated on whether to do the class or not due to my wrist, however, Billy said give it a go and see what I can do. So I did… and man I am I glad I did. Ok so I didn’t go for max load, but rather worked on technique after Billy pull me aside and gave me a few pointers. In fact, I think I actually got a proper front rack position for the first time!

He pointed out that I was pulling my shoulders back, which means there is no place for the bar to rest and it ends up on check rather than the shoulders. He said to thing about reaching forward with my elbows rather than trying to pull hands back to my shoulders. This made a big difference. Granted I still have some flexibility issues to work on, I felt much better with the positioning for the jerk. He also had me work on readjusting my grip after the clean to get my hands back on the bar by using a little pop.

I only went up to 135# because I didn’t want to tweak my wrist more, but feel like I really got a lot of this session. I gotta start making it to the Monday sessions as well.

5 Rounds

  • 1 Prowler push (there and back)
  • 7 Clean and Jerk’s 135#’s
  • 20 Box Jumps

23:08 @ 115#

So my biggest issue for this workout was breathing, apparently I am not quite over whatever I had a while back. Oh, and the prowler pushes… four 45# plates isn’t that bad… FIVE 45# plates SUCKS and I had that one my last two rounds. It wasn’t until after I finished that I realized that it had more plates, I just thought I was getting really really tired.

Cleans 3-3-3-3-3
Perform 3 cleans consecutively. On the third rep, perform a clean and jerk.

“Grace” – 30 clean and jerks for time.

95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 175# (jerk failed x2)

Grace… 4:16 @ 115#

As an added kicker, run 400m for time… 1:49 (- phone call)

So I was on-call this week and got somebody to cover me so I go do Grace, however, I need to resume the on-call at 5:30 and the class ran late. The my co-worker was transferring the on-call back to me during the run and called me to confirm it worked about 1/2 thru… ugh. Oh well, at least it wasn’t somebody calling for an issue. The call was 13s, so I figure my run time as probably 15-20s less than what I clocked in at ;-)

As for Grace… I did scale which was a good thing and I did improve, although the last time I did Grace was some time ago. It was back in May ’09 and my time was 6:59 also at 115#.

WOW: (Workout of the week)
Find your 1 Rep Max Back Squat

10 Round for time of:

  • 3 Muscle Ups
  • 3 Clean and Jerk’s at 135#’s

If you can not complete a Muscle Up, please sub with 1 Pull Up and 1 Ring dip (your sub) per Muscle up.

11:44 @ 115# w/ MU subs (maybe 11 rounds)

Ok, so I’m happy with the back squat as 295# was my PR last time…. but pissed that I didn’t add even just 5 more pounds, or even 10 … grrrrr. Ran out of time. Since I still feel like I’m just getting back into stuff, I didn’t think I would even hit my old PR so I started way way way to light. I think I might try to hit these up again later in the week to see if I can get of 300#. But hey, I got a picture on the site:

The metcon, I actually felt like this was good one for me. I went with a little lighter weight since I usually tend to overestimate my ability for these things and not scale correctly resulting in a taking a really really long time. I did use the muscle up subs, as I’ve yet actually attempt a muscle up. I did do the ring dips without any bands, however, by the end they were not so hot and don’t think I got full extensions on a few :-(

I also think I might have done 11 rounds…  as I thought I was on round 9, but Lee (who was at the same pace) said we where only on 8. So I went with that… better to do too much than skip out on some ;-)

10 minute Squat Clean and Jerk 1 every minute for the 10 minutes

For time… perform 3 rounds of:

  • 5 Power Cleans @ 135
  • 10 Back Squat’s @ 135
  • 15 Deadlifts @ 135

Rest 2min, then repeat another 3 rounds.


18:54 @ 115#

A bit back intensive. I think 115# was good weight for me, even though my back was killing me by the end.

I like this 10 min C&J routine since it really gives me a chance to workout on that front squat catch position. That’s always been a weak point of mine, not being able to get the bar to rest on my shoulders. But I’m getting better at it. The first time we did this a few weeks back I only did 95#, as wanted to be more technique than strength… this time I upped it to 115# which again is light from the strength side but good for the technique which I need more.

As for the metcon… I stuck with the 115# and did good up to the 2nd round of deadlifts and that is when I started to slow up. By the end of it was doing only 2-3 deadlifts at time usually. I, and most everyone else, it the rollers afterward. And rolling out my back after the work was that “hurts so good” feeling ;-)

Go for a 1 rep max box jump (please be careful here)

Then 3 rounds for reps:

  • Max clean and jerk’s at 135#’s in 2 minutes (30 is a good goal).
  • 30s hold in squat position


24″ + 4 45#
33 total reps (~11 per round) @ 95#

Ok, so the box jumps was kinda fun. I’m not sure exactly how thick the 45# plates are, so I don’t have an exact number to log. It was interesting to see how many people physicked out themselves. I hear the record of the day was 8 plates!! That’s just crazy!!!

As for the C&J… I decided to go with a lower weight since I’ve been having issue with my wrist as well as my back a bit in the hope to do higher reps… well that didn’t happen, so I probably should have gone with a higher weight. I tore my had a bit yesterday during the pullups and it was still kinda tender today so I kept dropping the bar. It was still a good workout, and I was concentrating on trying to get the bard to rest on my shoulders which I tend to have issues with. I have to say, I’m not sure how folks do it… when I do get it to rest on my shoulders/chest, man does that pop hurt. Guess I don’t have enough padding up there in spite of all the excess I have around my mid section :-(

Oh and day 4!! Which mean tomorrow is definitely a rest day…

10, 9, 8…
clean & jerk 155#

19:24 @ 115#

I think I finaly choose a good weight to scale for a change. Per clean it was a little light, but strung togehter it was good. I did stop after 5 rounds to give my back a break which really helped for the last rounds.
I really suck at the clean because of my wrist and shoulder flexibility issues. I can’t properly catch the bar yet so it puts stress on my back and wrists. Which sucks…. And that’s why I only did 115# instead of 155# or even 135#.
But, as usual, it was a good workout as evident by my puddles (yes plural) of sweat on the floor ;-) It feels good to be more of a regular at the gym again.


(iPhone iRonick)