
All posts tagged Grace

2011-07-06 WOD: Grace



Ben in Beijing on the Great Wall


WOD: Grace (30 Clean & Jerks for time @ 135#)

RESULTS: 4:50 Rx (PR)

So Grace appears to be my welcome back to the gym gift… this was my 2nd day back in over a month since I was traveling and the last time I did Grace was after 2 weeks off. I realized that Grace was actually the last post I made on here, but it wasn’t the last workout.  I decided previously to stop posting every random workout and was only going to post benchmark WODs my blog and just checked-in on Facebook at the gym. While I was gone, Jason started doing “Benchmark Wednesdays” so I will like be posting more stuff on here again.

As for how it feels to be back… I am SO sore today and was SO sore yesterday too. But it feels good to be back. I was surprised and very happy that in spite of  Tue’s WOD killing me I still managed PR Grace yesterday. This was my 2nd time doing it at Rx weight and I still have a ways to go, but its progress.

On another note… Jason put my handstand on the Great Wall up on the blog (here).

After about 2 weeks off…


30 Clean and Jerk’s for Time @ 135/95


5:07 (Rx)

It felt good to get back to the gym after 2 weeks and not having done really anything. I’m pretty happy with this one. I was originally thinking of doing 115# since I hadn’t done anything in a few weeks, but after trying a few reps Jason gave me the “it looks little light” so I bumped it up to the Rx 135# and I’m glad I did. I think this is the first time I did it Rx.

I also got a little work in on my HS and HSPU before hand.

Cleans 3-3-3-3-3
Perform 3 cleans consecutively. On the third rep, perform a clean and jerk.

“Grace” – 30 clean and jerks for time.

95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 175# (jerk failed x2)

Grace… 4:16 @ 115#

As an added kicker, run 400m for time… 1:49 (- phone call)

So I was on-call this week and got somebody to cover me so I go do Grace, however, I need to resume the on-call at 5:30 and the class ran late. The my co-worker was transferring the on-call back to me during the run and called me to confirm it worked about 1/2 thru… ugh. Oh well, at least it wasn’t somebody calling for an issue. The call was 13s, so I figure my run time as probably 15-20s less than what I clocked in at ;-)

As for Grace… I did scale which was a good thing and I did improve, although the last time I did Grace was some time ago. It was back in May ’09 and my time was 6:59 also at 115#.