
All posts tagged Deadlift


As a team of 4, you have 15 min to complete:


  • 225# deadlift
  • Handstand push-up


  • Commando push-ups
  • Air squat

Max rep thrusters (95#) = scrore

Only two people working at a time.


110 thrusters

The class was pretty fun, we started off with some Frisbee golf w/ a burpee penalty for missing. Then moved onto dodgeball w/ burpee, push-up, or v-up penalties. And that was just the warm up. Needless to say I got a few of my 110 burpees out of the way. Oh and I did attempt the HSPU against the wall and managed to kinda get them. I’m pretty sure I didn’t get full range of motion, but I’m alot closer than I was.


Heavy Deadlifting (no set scheme, just lift heavy objects)

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

  • 10 SDHP’s @ 75#
  • 7 Sit Ups
  • 5 Burpees


9 rounds

A little disappointed in my deadlifting, but being that my legs where already dead I’m not surprised that I didn’t get close to my max. But it was still good to lift heavy things again ;-) As for the AMRAP, I was pretty happy with it. The weight was light enough that I didn’t slow down too much. Plus I got to know a few burpees out of the way…

Burpees Day 106:

45 (during WOD) + 61 (post WOD) = 106 burpees done


Tabata Air Squats

Then… Alyssa’s Birthday WOD:

  • 2 Rounds:
    • 10 DL @ 185#’s
    • 10 Box Jumps 24″
    • 10 V Ups
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 3 Rounds:
    • 10 DL @ 185#’s
    • 10 Box Jumps 24″
    • 10 V Ups
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 5 Rounds:
    • 10 DL @ 185#’s
    • 10 Box Jumps 24″
    • 10 V Ups


Tabata score = 15
Only 2 rounds … Did No Finish

Ok, this WOD looked brutal and I’m sure it would have been… had I finished :-(

My back was bothering me before the workout, but I gave it a go anyway. Did two round at 185# which took forever as I stopped to lay on my back a few times (ugh). At the start of round 3 I dropped down to 135# and that still wasn’t working so I opted to just stop and started rolling out my back.

The foam rolling only kinda helped. Jason recommended doing the reverse-hyper with weight which turned out to be awesome. I did a few set of 5-10 extensions and my back felt a 100 times better. I know talking to a few other folks in the gym they said doing back extensions and/or the reverse hyper daily helps, so I think I really need to start doing them.


Heavy deadlifts … 1 rep max … top 1/2 of the lift.

Then 20min AMRAP (made up on the spot):

  • 15 pullup (chest-2-bar)
  • 30s L sit


4 rounds + 5 pullups

For the deadlifts, to work something different we worked on only the 2nd half of the lift so the bar started just below the knees (stacked plates on the floor). From here you can do a heavier load, and I did… normal deadlift PR is 385# but I got  bit more than that today and made it over 400#!

As for the met-con, it didn’t sound so bad at first… I started good the pull-ups doing chest-2-bar, but that didn’t last to long. 30s L-sits really suck, everyone was basically doing 5 second sets so they took forever. Was definitely a different type of workout, but was still workout.

Work the Snatch (full snatch) for at least 20 minutes


  • 20 Deadlift’s @ 225
  • 30 Push Ups
  • Row 250 meters

Complete the above sequence, rest 2 minutes, then repeat for a total of 4 rounds


155# (Snatch High Pull), 95# (High Hang Squat Snatch), 105# (Squat Snatch)
21:46 @ 185#

We worked the Snatch (aka full snatch, squat snatch) by breaking it down into two parts and then putting them together. Its been a while since I’ve done the snatch, so I stayed on the lighter side and worked on catching it in the full squat as I’m still not very comfortable with that. But I’m getting better.

As for the met-con, I did opt to scale down to 185# (was thinking about doing 205#, but good thing I didn’t). Its amazing how quickly pushups can get so tiring. You’d think with all the burpees I’ve been doing I’d be getting better at them, but I was only able to get a most 20 unbroken. And as for the rowing… well, its rowing, it always sucks ;-D But 205m wasn’t that bad.

All and all, not a bad workout for only having made it to gym on Sunday in the last week.

Hang Power Clean practice (get that second pull aka the Jump down!)

Power Clean Heavy!!!!!! Then front squat that weight for 3 reps. Perform this for 10 sets/30 front squats.

Metcon – 10 rounds for time of:

  • 5 Deadlift’s @ 225#’s
  • 10 Sit Up’s

… then immediately after sprint 400 meter’s as fast as possible.


185# power clean / front squat
10:26 meton (Rx)

I don’t think I got all 10 sets in for the power clean / front squat work, since we ran out of time. But I got enough in I think. I was really having issues with front rack during it and multiple times ended up on holding it weightlifting style (arms crossed). As for the metcon, I did stick with the Rx weight for the deadlift and thought I was doing a good pace… until everyone else was finishing up and I still had two more rounds to go.

Deadlift 1 Rep Max

Then 15-10-5:

  • Pull Ups
  • Power Snatches @ 95#’s


385# (PR by 10#)
6:02 @ Rx

In spite of my legs still being quite sore from Monday, I was happy to get a PR on the deadlift. Granted it was only 10# and didn’t compare to some of the other 30# PRs which happened in the class, it was still a PR and its more than double my body weight.

The met-con was short, but rough… mainly the 2nd round (10 reps). I actually managed to do the first 15 pullups unbroken which was great for me. However it took me 3 set to do the 10 reps and it sucked cause I was using a high bar which I had to jump up to each time. Last round went pretty quick.


Lift Heavy Objects from the floor to a standing position….aka…Deadlift in sets of 3 for 5-7 work sets

4 Rounds of:

  • Max Ground to Overhead in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Max KB Swings in 1 minute
  • Rest 30 seconds


Deadlifts – 365# x3

Metcon – Started around 15 and ended around 8 @ 95# (Snatch) and 1.5 pood (KB)

The 365# for 3 reps on the deadlift is awesome because my max 1 rep was 375# back in June.  As for the metcon, not so hot… I realize I really need to work on controlling the way back down for the snatch. I had no problem getting it up there, but after a few reps I would have to let go of the bar and reset my grip. For the KB swings, its my grip… I dropped it a quite a few times :-/ I also need to work on the controlled down-swing for these, as that is what is stopping me from jumping up to the 2 pood. I can’t control it on the way down, get off balance, and end up tweaking my back.


Deadlifting Heavy but concentrating big time on our set up and maintaining proper technique

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 10 Deadlift’s @ 225#’s (Pull)
  • 5 Hand Stand Push Up’s (Push)
  • 10 Ring Row’s (Pull)


315# x 2-3 reps, 365# x 1rep
10:45 @ 185#

So for the deadlifts I thought we where suppose to go for 1 rep max, but actually they wanted us doing multiples. So I dropped from 365# back down to 315# was doing 2-3 reps. For the met-con, I scaled way down. Probably could have done 205#, but the ring rows are what got to me. So its probably good that I did what I did.


  • 50 Glute Ham Raises…slow and controlled (as usual warm up plenty before this)
  • rest
  • 50 Deadlift’s at 225#’s in as few sets as possible. Seriously there are several of you who should get it in 1 set. If you are not doing it RxD shoot for around 2-3 sets….this should be hard!!!!!!!
  • rest
  • 50 Calorie row for time….should take about 3 minutes max
  • rest
  • 400 meter sprint

These should each be approached as separate events…all out efforts.


Since we had such a large class and most of us had never done a Glute Ham Raise before, Billy had us just do 25 of them  partnered on the floor. They where pretty darn hard if you worked for it.

The way the workout worked was, there was running clock and at every 5min mark you moved to the next exercises. So if you finished the deadlifts in 2min, you get3min of rest. Here is what I did:

  • 50 Deadlifts @ 185# – 3:30k
  • 400m Sprint –  1:46
  • 35 Burpees – 3:31

There were not enough rowers for the size of the class, so the sub was 35 burpees… which after the upper body burner yesterday… kinda sucked.


Since it was Billy’s last official oly class, he had us do a mock olympic lifting competition. We each had 10min to find our match Snatch and then 10min to find our max C&J.

  • Snatch –  145#
  • C&J –  205# (PR)

So for the snatch, that was my previous max. I tried 165# a few times, but didn’t quite get it and had some great bail outs ;-P For the Clean & Jerk, I was doing split jerks and it was  new PR for me. Previously I had hit 195#, but was not doing split jerk since I wasn’t comfortable with it. I got several complements on my split jerk (including Billy) this time around, so I must be getting better. He says the only thing I need to work on is letting that bar sit more on my shoulders and then I’ll be able to do a lot more.

Billy’s Going Away Party:

Since Billy is heading off to Vegas to pursue the dream of Olympic lifting, the gym hosted a going away party after the oly class. It was fun. I got my butt kicked in Foosball by Jojo… just couldn’t complete with the sounds or the kick ;-P

I was good… stuck to munching on Paleo stuff and didn’t have any beer. The first week trying to get back on Paleo is the hardest, so I didn’t want to indulge at all.