
All posts tagged L-Sits


Heavy deadlifts … 1 rep max … top 1/2 of the lift.

Then 20min AMRAP (made up on the spot):

  • 15 pullup (chest-2-bar)
  • 30s L sit


4 rounds + 5 pullups

For the deadlifts, to work something different we worked on only the 2nd half of the lift so the bar started just below the knees (stacked plates on the floor). From here you can do a heavier load, and I did… normal deadlift PR is 385# but I got  bit more than that today and made it over 400#!

As for the met-con, it didn’t sound so bad at first… I started good the pull-ups doing chest-2-bar, but that didn’t last to long. 30s L-sits really suck, everyone was basically doing 5 second sets so they took forever. Was definitely a different type of workout, but was still workout.