
All posts tagged Helen


Work technique on something you suck at for 10-20 minutes.

3 rounds for time:

  • Run 400 meters
  • 21 KB swings (1.5 pood)
  • 12 Pull Ups

Double-unders & handstands
14:33 (Rx)

I’ve kinda got double-unders, at least better than I use to in the past… but not by doing them “properly”. I do a really big hop and bend my knees, which you’re not suppose to do. Just a bigger bounce and faster rope, so that was was I was working on. And the handstands where just for fun because everyone else was trying them too ;-)

As for Helen, she whooped my ass… I broke things up into set (6+6, 10+11, 4+4+4,  7+7+7, etc…) and didn’t do anything unbroken, but it got me through the workout. I was worried about the KB swings as those bothered my back last week, but I was ok today. I was tempted by the 1 pood, but glad I stuck with the Rx weight.