
All posts tagged Hydrostatic

After a workout at the gym yesterday, it was off for the post-paleo dunk! And the hydrostatic results are…

2011-01-01 2011-02-15 Change
Weight 190.0 lbs 180.2 lbs -9.8 lbs
Bodyfat 21.6% 18.49% -3.11%
Fat 41.04 lbs 33.32 lbs -7.72 lbs
Lean 148.96 lbs 146.88 lbs -2.08 lbs

(View more photo progress here…)

I’m pretty happy with the results. The guy from FitnessWave said 3% change in BF was good. On the down side, I did lose some lean mass as well. I have to say that this time around I didn’t feel that I had quite as much energy as the last challenge. Not sure what all plays into that, but talking to the guy it might have been underfeeding. He said a lose of 2-3 lbs lean mass is a good indicator of that. So I guess I need to eat more ;-P In the past I did more snacking which I didn’t do this time around.

I am definitly planning on sticking with mainly paleo eating going forward (after a few indulgences ;-D ), as it definitely does seem to work well. But there are few things I will be adding back in now that the challenge is over… like a post-WOD protein shake.

Looking forward to hearing how other folks did at the post-paleo party at the gym this coming Friday!

As part of the Paleo Challenge, I got a hydrostatic body composition test tone from FitnessWave. Its nice to know that my home scale is WAY off, as the number was kinda frighting… granted I’m still not terribly thrilled with the more accurate results:

Home Scale 30.9%
Hydrostatic 21.7%

According to their recommended percentages, this puts me at the very upper end of the “average” for men. One of these days it would be awesome to get down to single digits, but for now I’ll be happy to drop down into the teens.

The ironick part of it is that I’m basically the same percentage as I was two years ago (21.4 on 02/20/2008), but my weight has gone up. Which means I’ve been adding lean mass, as well as adding to the spare tire unfortunately.