Jumping Pullups

All posts tagged Jumping Pullups

Ok, so I haven’t been so good with this stuff as of recently. Its been quite a while since I’ve been into the gym consistently for various legit and not so legit reason, I made it in ONCE over the prior two weeks. But worse than that, I’ve also been eating like crap, and by crap I mean lots of pizza… go figue, isn’t that always my downfall.

Anyway, as of Sunday I started trying to eat cleaner again (i.e. Paleo/Primal) and did good yesterday (Monday) as well. This included hitting up Costco to stock up on a few things so I don’t continue to order pizza. I really really need find some motivation to strict with eating clean.

It was also the first day back to gym… so needless to say, my legs are a little (aka ALOT) sore today.

I went kind of light on the back squats since my back started bothering me during the warm up (ugh). For the metcon, the jumping pull-ups where surprisingly hard… the legs just didn’t want to function. But it felt good to be back.


Back Squats: 10 reps, add weight, 8 reps, add weight, 6 reps, add weight, 4 reps, add weight, max reps.

For Time:

  • Row 750 meters
  • 50 Jumping pull ups
  • 50 Wall Ball Shots


Back Squats – 10@135,  8@155, 6@165,  4@185, 8@205

Metcon –  10:33