
All posts tagged Linda

Went in for the noon class today because I’ll be working late…


Linda: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of…
Deadlift (1 1/2 body weight)
Bench Press (body weight)
Clean (3/4 body weight)

Did as team workout (we had 3 members: 2 male, 1 female):
155 reps Deadlift (225#)
155 reps Bench Press (115#/95#)
155 reps Squat Clean (105#/95#)
… 39:30

Rather than just follow a pattern like 10-9-8-etc, we just did what we could… I felt like we did way way to many reps and Jason seemed to agree that we seem to take way longer than it should have. But we finished! As a team we finished up the beach press rather easily, but took forever on the squat cleans.

My squat clean is getting much better, but still hurts my wrist a bit depending on how I catch the bar. Bench and Dead where both pretty good. All and all, I’m pretty sure I’ll be nice & sore tomorrow ;-)