Olympic Class

All posts tagged Olympic Class

Snatch Work, then…

10 Rounds for time of:

  • 15 Deadlifts 135#’s
  • 15 Push Ups

17:45 (5 on knees)

It looks so simple… 15 and 15 isn’t that bad… its the 10 that sucks! During the push-ups on round 4 I said to myself “Is this really only round 4?” Ya, this was a rough one. I managed to squeeze out 5 round of regular push-ups, but had to switch to the knees after that since I was only getting 3 at a time.


More snatch work! We worked the following complex…

  • Power Snatch
  • into Snatch Balance
  • into Overhead Squat

This was great for me, since catching in the bottom position (the snatch balance) is one of my week points. We started light and worked up to 115#.

After the complex I decided to try just doing a little heavier power snatch… just went up to 135#.

Find a 1RM Clean and Jerk

5 Rounds for time of:

  • 10 Power Cleans @ 135#’s
  • 10 Burpees

9:10 @ 115#

My previous PR for C&J is 195# which I skipped over this time since we where running low on time. I did successfully clean the 205#, but dropped the jerk and it basically rolled down my back. I’m sure it was pretty interesting to watch, but I’m fine. I scaled the metcon down to 115# which worked out well, Billy said the burpees and the cleans should be about the same level… and 135# cleans I think would have been just a little to much. I didn’t want to have 20min metcon…. I’m good with under 10 ;-) Although I think there was somebody that got Rx in under 5min… geez.

Oly Class:

Worked into the the snatch balance starting with the drop snatch, then heave snatch, and finally the full snatch balance. I only got up to 165# for the snatch balance, which I don’t think is that bad. However, I definitely need to work more on the squat catch position for both snatch and the clean. I’m still not very confident about catching it low which affects how heavy I can go. For the snatch balance, I found my self dropping just enough to lock out the arms and then finishing the squat instead of dropping all the way to the bottom of the squat to catch it.

One cool thing at the class tonight was watching one of Billy’s fellow Olympic lifters doing some heavy C&J and cleans. Not sure how much it C&J was, but it was in the upper 200s. I PRed his clean at 305#. The guy is hella quick to get under the bar and catches it really low. Which is what made me realized that I’m not catching very efficiently since I’m not getting down to the bottom position.

Will need work on getting comfortable in that squat catch position. Apparently 60%-70% of your max is a good place to work that, so I will need to start taking some time after class or at some other time of day to work that stuff. I also want to start doing more running or the CF Endurance workouts to get ready for Tough Mudder.